9:10 a.m. - 10:25 a.m. Breakout Session I
9:10 a.m. - 10:25 a.m. Breakout Session I

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Crockett Resource Center for Independent Living (CRCIL) is a consumer-controlled, cross-disability organization. PRCIL is a non-profit agency that is funded by both federal & state grants, as well as donations from local businesses, organizations, and private individuals.
Our goal is to assist people with disabilities to minimize dependence on others in order to live independently, access employment, and participate in activities of their choosing. We empower individuals with disabilities to achieve maximum independence and equal community access, while encouraging full “consumer-control” over services and supports that are necessary for living independently.
In the heart of Deep East Texas, CRCIL serves the counties of Houston, Leon, Trinity, Polk, Tyler, San Augustine, Sabine, Shelby, Panola, Rusk, Freestone, Alabama-Coushatta Indian Reservation. Our core services include:
Information & Referral
Peer Support
Independent Living Skills Training
Transition: Nursing Home and Youth
Disability rights, as a movement, advocates for everyone, every family, and every type of business and organization. Nearly everyone knows at least one person with a disability…a family member…a friend…or an individual in the community.
Each person has a personal stake in the success of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). Everyone can contribute, and everyone can benefit. By insuring that our society is accessible and in compliance with the ADA, our communities can offer more jobs, more goods and services, and more opportunities for individuals with disabilities to enjoy the same quality of life as their neighbors.